In this small guide, I am going to help you with the list of 5 best white pant matching shirt combination ideas. White is a color known best for royalty, discipline, and calmness.
Getting a white color pant is a great idea, but we often get lost in the flood of color options to match them rightly. So, in this guide, I will list down the top 5 colors of shirts that fit well with white color pants.
But before I show you the list, it is better to know that white is a universal color. It means white can match well with all other colors. But, there are some colors that are widely used and popular.
Therefore, let me show you the top 5 best matches that go well with white color pants. Here you go…
1. White pant black shirt outfit

Let me start the list with the most popular color match. And, this match is a white-black combo. People just love to get this outfit when out for parties or for any other professional occasion. So, if you have white color pants, it is a great idea to match them with the black color of the shirt.
Also, if you wearing this combo for office purposes then wearing brown or black leather shoes is a great deal. You can add a black leather belt to this outfit for a complete black-white attire. I must say, people gonna love your new outfit and appreciate your idea.
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2. White pant white shirt combination

After, the white-black combo, white can match white as well. This is also another popular white pant match that you can try. It is a color match of power and status. Maybe this is the reason, why many businessmen, political leaders, and actors love to wear this great combo.
For casual occasions, you can try this color combo with a black loafer or white sneakers. If you want to make this outfit look further strong, you can roll your sleeve halfway but make sure not to over-roll your sleeves.
3. Blue shirt white matching pant

The list is incomplete without having a beautiful blue shirt to match your white color pant. The color combo looks great for any occasion, let it be professional or casual. If you are trying this combo for professional occasions, you can wear a royal blue cotton formal shirt with white cotton pant.
For a casual occasion, you can try a blue jeans shirt and match it with white jeans. Wearing a brown loafer is another great addition to this attire. Whatever the occasion is, blue will always look great with white.
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4. Pink shirt white matching pant

Here is another great but a little less-known match. I mean, a light pink shirt can perfectly match the white color of pant. As I mentioned, it is a little less known match but common will not make you look unique.
So, if you want to try something different to match your white pant, a light pink shirt is for you. Also, brown shoes and a brown belt will take this outfit to another level. For casual occasions like parties, must say this is a lovely combo and you must try this color match.
5. Olive green shirt matching white pant attire
Last but not least, let me list another unique color of shirt that will add charm to your white pant. An olive green shirt like the pink look so different and attractive. And, this match is my favorite on the list.
Because whenever I am bored with a black and white shirt, I just pull out my olive green shirt or T-shirt to match my white pant. I love wearing white sneakers with this outfit. I would recommend getting a darker shade of green to match a white pant. But it does not mean, a light green shirt can not match your white pant.
Final Thought
I have tried my best to show you the top 5 most loved color of shirt that matches white pant. As mentioned, a black and white shirt is the most popular match. On another side, olive green and light pink shirts are unique matches.
A blue shirt can save you a lot of time in case you want to try something different and have limited color options. Because, like black and white, blue cloth is the most common color. Let me know in the comment which one was your favorite. I have more lists like this. Have a look at the below guides.