In this article, I will talk about things you need to do and keep in mind for your weight loss motivation. Weight loss requires a lot of inspiration and a working strategy.
I will also talk about things I applied during my successful weight loss journey to stay motivated throughout. This way, it will be easy for you to relate and get some real insights for a successful weight loss and gain some inspirations.
I will try to answer some of the most common questions people ask me on my Instagram account. This way, it is easy for you to understand and apply in your fitness journey.
So, let’s not waste more time and get started with some questions first and later some tips and suggestions.
Below are some questions you must ask yourself to get ready for your weight loss motivation:
Table of Contents
1. How do I get serious about losing weight?
This is one of the many questions that most asked me to answer. Even, I asked this same question when starting my weight loss journey and tried to get an answer from within me.

I asked another question, “How I was so serious about eating junk foods and living an unhealthy lifestyle before?” Asking this question looks a little funny but the answer to the first question lies in this.
I think you might get a clue of the answer to the first question if you ask the second question to yourself.
Try it now: I would like you to pause reading this article for a moment. Sit straight and close your eyes. Go little back to your life in history. Try to find the root cause of what made you living an unhealthy lifestyle till now. Think for some time & try to get an answer. I want you to have your answer first before you continue reading this article.
What did you find? Ask this question again and again till you get an answer. In case, you find it difficult, here are my findings.
You will find that it is the people around you who impacted your current lifestyle directly or indirectly. People decide your thought process and even the food on your plate.
1.1. What influence thought?
Someone rightly said your life get influenced by people around you. People influence your thought, your thoughts influence your way of thinking. And your thinking decides your actions. Repeated action becomes your habit. Your habit determines your lifestyle. I hope, you are getting closer to the answer.

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You even don’t have any idea about all the habits you learn just being in your environment. And, obviously, people make up your environment. Sometimes, you can not change the environment but can educate people for a better environment.
I am not judging anything about your lifestyle. My only motive is to give you an idea about how people impact your behavior and actions. And, how I went about controlling my thoughts and not get influenced by others easily.
1.2. How food impact our lifestyle?
I found that I was grown up in an environment like most people in India where food matters a lot in life. Celebrations mean food, festivals mean food, success means food, friends mean food, family mean food, and whatnot. In other words, food is involved in every aspect of life.

I am not complaining about anything but want to show you that we eat food and even talk food. And, we are good at walking the talk. HAHAHA!!!. And, this could be one of the reasons why food matters a lot in our life.
I know food is very important in life and one should always welcome good foods in their lifestyle. Excess is never good and so is true with food.
It is always a good idea to eat and talk about healthy food and develop a culture of healthy eating in your every celebration.
We are impacted by food so much that we never care about the type of food going into our bodies. Mostly, junk and unhealthy food. Most of the time, sweets and cakes, which is very bad for our health.
Many give excuses, that it comes once in a year, so why not enjoy this moment. But, most do not know every moment is unique and come once in a year or even your lifetime. So, will you start eating junk every single moment?
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This is why I say people determine our thinking. We do mistakes and sometimes insist others to do mistakes knowingly or unknowingly.
2. How to live in a healthy environment?
You can not change the people who constitute your environment. Neither, you can leave people you care about like your friends and family.

But this is truth that a single powerful positive thought can bring down every single negative thought around. One woman/man alone can influence the whole world.
If you want to influence millions, first start with people around you. This way you will have a great environment for yourself and for others.
How about changing old eating habits and educating yourself about healthy food and its benefits? Healthy food doesn’t just work on your internal and external parts of your body but also have a positive impact on your thought.
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With the right education and awareness you will not just be impacting your own thought but 100 of others as well. And, you would never know when this 100 would become millions and billions making a healthy environment for yourself.
3. How do I find the determination to lose weight?
Change starts with you. If you want a healthy environment, make you thought healthy first. With your healthy thought, you can make other 100 or 1000 thoughts healthy. More you talk about a healthy environment, more you will making a friendly environment for yourself.

This way, you will have both, your willpower and healthy environment checked on your things-to-do list for a fit lifestyle.
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Try it: Be practical as much as you can and talk to yourself about how a healthy lifestyle can impact your life and your dear ones as well. I want you to visualize yourself having a perfect fit body. The way you walk, talk, and eat after having a lean and fit body.
Now, comes the next question.
4. Why do you want to lose weight and need inspiration?
Asking this question to yourself is very important. There is a reason behind every action. If you know the reason you can define your action more accurately to reach the desired solution. In this case, weight loss success.

The reason to lose weight could be many. And most important among them is to avoid any future health issues like diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, etc.
There could be other reasons like having a good physique, get more confidence in life. having a good appearance, etc.
For me, it was to avoid any future deadly diseases and have more self-control and discipline in my life. Your small success is a stepping stone to big miracles in life.
Asking this question will give you the right direction to organize your self for a successful weight loss journey. It will ignite your weight loss motivation and helps you start your journey.
Try it: Ask this question and list down all the reasons on a notebook. Open this notebook every day and read aloud. This will help you remind your goal every day and keeps your weight loss motivation intact.
“I have no motivation to lose weight”
Ohh Dear! Never say this sentence ever in your life. This is like a roadblock to your path success. Remember this, the one who is self-motivated never get demotivated.

Bring your self-motivation and apply every time you think of losing motivation by any chance. But, the question is, “What to do for self-motivation?“.
It is very easy to learn the skills of self-motivation. And, once you learn this, believe me, you will see only miracles happening around you. I am saying this, from my personal experience.
Not just it helped me in my weight loss journey but other small and big successes in my life as well. It is a very satisfying feeling once you know how to kick away negativity the moment it dares to enter your way.
5. What to do for self-motivation to lose weight?
Let me show you things I do to keep my motivation high and remain self-motivated.

It is very easy to learn this skill. Yes, you heard it right. It is damn easy, you just need only one thing to train better. And that one thing is just your thought. Every tip mentioned below will help you work on better of your evergreen thoughts.
As I mentioned above, your thoughts determine your action and your repeated action becomes your habit and habit is what defines your overall personality.
So, why not work the root cause of our habits to enhance your personality more positively. Does it not make sense to train our thought in the right direction?
Things to do for weight loss self-motivation:
Tri it: Start implementing tips shared below. It will help for sure to keep your weight loss motivation high. Practice doing for some days (21 days at least) and it will slowly come into your habit.
Tip 1: Reading Books to inspire your weight loss journey
Books are very crucial in life. It just not help to keep you informed of things but teaches you about how disciplined are you towards your goal. Information could be many things and it could be your weight loss motivation too.
Some self-help books are really helpful and like a best friend training you for being a better version of you. I try my best to explore as many self-books to read as possible. And, this is a secret mantra for your self-control and inspiration.
Try it: Purchase self-help books written by good authors and try implementing teachings in your life. Some books are written after good research.
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Tip 2: Avoid distraction
Most people nowadays spend hours on social media. Follow those channels and accounts that help keep you intact with your goal. Avoid following those channels from your feeds that are distracting you from your goal.
Try it: Its time to clean your social media feed and feed it with relevant information. Start following weight loss and fitness channels to show up in your feed and that reminds you of your fitness goals.
Tip 3: Find mentors
A good mentor is like a hidden gem and best guru. A mentor could be in your friend circle and family and even present online. Talk to them and ask them for help. Treat them gently and always return a favor to them as a sign of respect and for strong bonding.
Try it: Chances are that you will find a good mentor in your network. Find people who are serious about fitness and have a good conversation with them. Talk about your fitness goal and follow their advice. Spend time with them and always respect their contribution.
Tip 4: Watch inspirational movies: A fitness motivational film would be a great choice
Inspirational movies are the best way to stay motivated and energetic. Some movies are based on real-time stories and are enough to inspire you for anything in life. Some are so realistic that you will fall in love with the story.
Every story has new learning for you. Watch inspirational movies and documentaries that speak your goal.
Try it: Plan an inspirational movie with your best friends and go and watch it with your eyes, ears and mind open. Never forget to enjoy your fitness journey and have fun as much as you can,
Tip 4: Listen to songs
Songs have a lasting impression on your thought. It helps you keep energetic in the long run. I love listening to motivational and powerful songs which helps me keep moving towards my goal.
Whenever I go for a workout I keep my playlist of favorite songs ready and help me double the intensity of the workout.
Some songs are soothing and help me maintain calmness. Some remind me about my goal and push me to keep moving for my mission.
Try it: Make some songs playlist today. Make sure every playlist has a specific role. For, example a playlist for meditation, another playlist for your fitness motivation and so on.
Tip 5: Direct your thought towards your goal
Directing your thought towards your mission is very very important. You can do several things that can help you keep engage to achieve your goal.
Try to engage yourself in fitness activities, buy new shoes or a fitness band. You can download an image that reminds of your fitness goal and make it your mobile or computer wallpaper.
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You can write a diary and note down things you did for your fitness the whole day. Write everything, like what workout you did, what all things you ate, whom you met and talked about your fitness goal, and what all new things you learned offline and online,
Try it: Buy a new T-shirt of the size that you want to wear after you lose weight and hang in front of your bed. Visualize wearing it every morning when you wake up and see it. Do this when you go to bed at night as well.
There are many tips like above that you can try. I will make a complete list in my upcoming e-book that you read and follow for a successful weight loss and motivation. If you want me to write this e-book then comment below. This will help me know if it is worth writing or not.
Keep all the tips in mind and don’t forget to practice it for the first 21 days. I am sure, you will soon learn how to remain self-motivated for your weight loss journey. Soon you will see your results coming.
Now, let me talk about some other things which may help you in your weight loss motivation and journey:
Weight loss motivation app
If you love downloading apps from google play store, I would recommend you to download some weight loss motivation app. If you will search in the play store you will see lots of apps there. Make sure you download the best one which helps you increase your productivity.
There are many apps for meditation and voice-guided apps for calmness and peace in life.
Also, you will see apps specific to workouts. Some, are specific to particular areas of the body like reduce belly fat, shoulder workout, chest workout, etc. These apps not just help you in your weight loss motivation but helpful for a fit lifestyle as well.
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Weight loss motivation blogs
Ask Google and it will serve you with lots of good weight loss motivation blogs. You can read articles and make it your habit of reading it and applying it in your life.
You can go to or download the app and follow weight loss motivation questions there. Follow and even keep inputting your own views there. Sometimes, if something works for you there is a great chance it will work for many others as well.
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Final thoughts for your weight loss motivation
I hope you enjoyed this article and gonna promise to yourself today that you will follow your heart. Keep improving yourself every moment for your weight loss goal. Do not forget to follow these weight loss motivation tips I shared in this article.
I keep sharing my tips, diet plan and lots of motivations for a successful weight loss through my Instagram account. I love writing my own weight loss quotes and share on social media. Check my Instagram account here and never lose your motivation for your mission to fitness.
I wish you all the best for your weight loss journey. Lose Fat, Not Hope. TC 🙂