In this post, I am going to share with you the list of 35 types of vegetables name in English and Hindi. Some of you look especially for the list of leafy vegetable names, there I will help you with that list as well.
Remembering vegetable names are not that easy for everyone. Some might be comfortable with the English name and others with the Hindi name. In case, you want to remember the names I have images of vegetable names. So, let’s get started with the list.
35 vegetables name in English list
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Mushroom
- Brinjal
- Lady Finger
- Radish
- Spinach
- Tomato
- Potato
- Cucumber
- Capsicum
- Broccoli
- Green Beans
- Bottle gourd
- Ridged Gourd
- Carrot
- Lettuce
- Onion
- Pointed Gourd
- Ginger
- Bitter Gourd
- Peas
- Coriander Leaf
- Jackfruit
- Ash Gourd
- Green Chili
- Garlic
- Turnip
- Beetroot
- Water Chestnuts
- Fennel
- Lemon
- Snake Gourd
- Indian Gooseberry
- Mint Leaves

Below is the list of 35 vegetables name in Hindi and English language:
Sr. No. | 35 Vegetable Names | 35 Vegetable Name Hindi |
1. | Lady Finger | भिंडी |
2. | Green Beans | बिन्स |
3. | Spinach | पालक |
4. | Cucumber | खीरा |
5. | Tomato | टमाटर |
6. | Radish | मूली |
7. | Capsicum | शिमला मिर्च |
8. | Brinjal | बैंगन |
9. | Mushroom | मशरूम |
10. | Cabbage | पत्तागोभी |
11. | Cauliflower | फूलगोभी |
12. | Carrot | गाजर |
13. | Broccoli | ब्रोकोली |
14. | Bottle gourd | लौकी |
15. | Ridged Gourd | तोरी |
16. | Lettuce | सलाद पत्ता |
17. | Pointed Gourd | परवल |
18. | Onion | प्याज |
19. | Bitter Gourd | करेला |
20. | Ginger | अदरक |
21. | Jackfruit | कटहल |
22. | Coriander Leaf | धनिया |
23. | Green Chili | हरी मिर्च |
24. | Peas | मटर |
25. | Turnip | शलजम |
26. | Garlic | लहसुन |
27. | Ash Gourd | कोहड़ा |
28. | Fennel | सौंफ |
29. | Water Chestnuts | सिंघाड़ा |
30. | Snake Gourd | चिचिण्डा |
31. | Lemon | नींबू |
32. | Indian Gooseberry | आंवला |
33. | Mint Leaves | पुदीना |
34. | Spine Gourd | कंटोला |
35. | Beetroot | चुकंदर |
Go ahead, and learn the names in the language you desire to learn.
Below is the vegetable name list in Hindi. Here are the top 10 most common vegetables and their Hindi names.
10 vegetables name in Hindi list
- पत्तागोभी
- टमाटर
- फूलगोभी
- शिमला मिर्च
- गाजर
- भिंडी
- बैंगन
- लौकी
- प्याज
- मटर
10 Vegetable Name Hindi | 10 Vegetable Names English |
पत्तागोभी | Cabbage |
फूलगोभी | Cauliflower |
गाजर | Carrot |
शिमला मिर्च | Capsicum |
टमाटर | Tomato |
लौकी | Bottle Gourd |
बैंगन | Brinjal |
मटर | Peas |
प्याज | Onion |
भिंडी | Lady Finger |
Are you specifically looking for the list of most common leafey vegetables name list. I am here with the list of Top 10 leafy vegetable names in English and Hindi.
10 leafy vegetables name list
- Spinach (Palak)
- Coriander (Dhaniya Patti)
- Cabbage (Patta Gobi)
- Mint (Pudina Patti)
- Spring Onion (Sagha Pyaaz)
- Curry Leaves (Kadhi Patta)
- Lettuce (Salad Patta)
- Celery (Ajmod)
- Broccoli
- Fenugreek (Methi Patta)
More read: 10 Best vegetables for weight loss